

"I went to the Institute on the recommendation of a colleague, because I was quite worried about one of my two children. He is 11 years old and, since he started school, he has had problems concentrating, although in the last school year I received several notices from teachers that alarmed me.

We didn't know what was going on. He seemed absent to us, although he prepared for exams well, this wasn't reflected in his marks and his rucksack was a mess, teachers commented that “he seemed present but wasn't; he was in his own world”.

We went to the Institute and started the diagnostic phase: I needed to know what was happening to my son to be able to help him. The professionals at the Institute contacted the school and Dario's teacher and did tests on the boy to find out what was happening. Finally, they called me in to give me the assessment report and explained that my son had an Attention Deficit Disorder. I had heard the name, but the Institute explained what it consisted of: they gave me examples of his difficulties and gave me guidelines for how we could help him. They informed me of different therapeutic options, including Neurofeedback treatment. We didn't want to consider medication as the first option, so we decided to try out Neurofeedback training.

Obtaining a diagnosis of ADHD-attention deficit has changed my son's life. Now we know what's happening to him; he knows that he isn't stupid and that he has a concentration disorder. It was a huge relief for the entire family: we finally knew what was happening and we could work with the resources needed to help him.

We started Neurofeedback training to improve Dario's concentration and therefore increase his self-esteem, changing the vision he had had of himself until then. I received psychological advise, with guidelines on how to help my son. Now I feel like I understand him better.

Dario has done 25 Neurofeedback sessions. He has worked a lot at the surgery, where the doctor suggested working with computer exercises, after putting sensors on him to monitor his brain activity. Dario concentrated on trying to move an airplane or to make the film he was watching continue playing (if he lost his concentration, the film stopped). Dario was very committed to the training and worked hard. We also felt very supported throughout the process, because the professionals gave us continuous feedback on my son's progress.

If we asked Dario how his life changed after these 20 Neurofeedback sessions, he tells us that "now I play football better, I concentrate more when receiving passes and shoot penalties better". He also feels happy and proud because several teachers have congratulated him on the huge change he has made at school: he concentrates much better and his marks have improved. "Before I thought I was stupid, and now I've discovered that I'm not."

Dario feels more relaxed and satisfied because he has seen that his work with Neurofeedback techniques has been useful to him for improving at school and in his whole life in general."